Regulatory TechLab

The firm has founded years ago a regulatory analysis laboratory in the fields of high technology, payments and infrastructures. The laboratory consists of lawyers, mathematicians, IT professionals, physicists and engineers. The objective of the laboratory is to identify new products / services / ecosystems, anticipating the issuing of primary or secondary regulatory discipline, through an integrated, legal and technical team. By integration we mean a genetic development of projects that has been designed from a legal and technological point of view and is not misaligned or ancillary as a practice in the market.

A summary is given of some projects with respect to which the laboratory produced benchmark results in a global context:

  1. first Full Pilot Spectrum Sharing LSA (2015);
  2. Enerchain, the most important grouping of energy utilities concerning the BlockChain / Distributed Ledger project of trading and post-trading (2017-2018);
  3. structuring of distributed digital wallets (2016-2018);
  4. configuration of standards for mobile payments (2012-2018);
  5. definition of standards for smart (Automatic programmable) contracts (2014-2018);
  6. structuring of APIs (Application Programming Interface) for FinTech ecosystems (2014-2018).