Firm's operations


1. How is our office operating

The office is open and operating  in terms of  staff,   associates and partners. We adopted as a floor Government Safety procedures upscaling them with an internal protocol. Safety measures are being reassessed on a weekly basis. The attorneys and staff are set on a time schedule privileging smart working.

2. How do we work

In association with our clients, travel has been severely restricted and video and telephone conferences have replaced physical meetings.
Our operating systems  are fully set up  and are structured so to avoid any disruption to our daily activities. The systems are accessible from any location via a range of devices. We have internal provisions to use Microsoft Teams, Zoom and LoopMeIn platforms and all active and passive encrypted e mail (digital signatures and PEC), government compliant, is up and running.

3. How is Covid 19 impacting the business

A number of sectors are being disrupted. We firmly believe in immediate action so to envisage also alternative financing solutions and in careful planning of simulated business scenarios with an entirely new frame of mind associated with new or revised contractual structures.

4. Contact the firm or an attorney

Please use the usual contact switchboard numbers  + 39 06 4440821 plus a mobile switch + 39 334 6165075. If you need to speak to someone about client-related matters or have any questions, please contact your usual DV attorney.

5. Access the firms' digital platform

Most of the client work has been resident on secured, cloud based, web accessible platforms. Via the customary user id and password you will be able to access all your digital files (contractual, corporate  and litigation) with no effort regardless of your location.

6. Where do we stand

These extraordinary times require us all to make modifications to various aspects of our daily work and personal lives.

We are aiming to be fully operational but at the same time are focusing very hard on new financing models to handle crisis economy be it the financing of a hospital or the reinforcement of  tech networks standards.

We appreciate your continued trust in our firm and its representatives and we all hope you remain safe and in good health as we endure, navigate and plan for the future in these trying times.